Flavour Lyrics
Read and learn Her Excellency (Nwunye Odogwu) lyrics by Flavour below, the fourth track on the newly released African Royalty album.
African Royalty Lyrics
Flavour – Her Excellency (Nwunye Odogwu) Lyrics
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Make way for nwunye odogwu
Nekwenu ka o na-abianu
Clear road for nwunye odogwu
Egovin nwaanyi oma nu
I fulu asa odogwu
Evergreen nwaanyi oma nu
I fulu asa odogwu
Eleganza nwaanyi oma nu
I furu ola aka ya
O kwa gold ka o gba n’aka
Nekene asa odogwu
Akwaeke nwaanyi oma nu
I fuzianu nwunye odogwu
I mara na odogwu na-eme ofuma
Odogwu na-eme ofuma
Odogwu na-eme ofuma
Odogwu na-eme ofuma
Maintenance is key to beauty, chawam
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Make way for nwunye odogwu
Nyenu efe na o na-abianu
Clear road for nwunye odogwu
Asi m nyenu efe na o na-aganu
I fugodi nnwa nu
Baby bu kiribe nkiribe (Nkiribe nkiribe)
I fugodi nnwa nu
Baby bu enenebe eje olu (Enenebe nnwa)
O ma uma na-asa aru
Baby la hot nnwa (La hot nnwa oh)
O si n’igwe
Chai, Ada di ora mma
I fuzianu nwunye odogwu
I mara na odogwu na-eme ofuma
Odogwu na-eme ofuma
Odogwu na-eme ofuma
Odogwu na-eme ofuma
Maintenance is key to beauty, chawam
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
Nwunye odogwu ah ee
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Meaning of Her Excellency (Nwunye Odogwu) Lyrics by Flavour
Many users have been searching for Her Excellency (Nwunye Odogwu) Lyrics by Flavour because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2023-12-01 11:05:32.
The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.
This is the end of Her Excellency (Nwunye Odogwu) Lyrics by Flavour. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.
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Ifa ronke
10 months ago