Flavour Lyrics

Flavour beautifully showcased the richness of the Igbo language in Show Off, the ninth track on African Royalty album. Explore the lyrics below and appreciate the cultural significance.

African Royalty Lyrics

Flavour – Show Off Lyrics

Lechaba, na oo Chi nyelu gi
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Lechaba, na oo Chi nyelu gi
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelụ gị
Adaure, nnwa di mma
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Ojiugo, uso nnwa
Uso m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Mmiri maru ugo, asago ugo aru
Anya fulu ugo, eh, na-agbanu ugo nkili

Chai, eziokwu, baby na i maru mma na-ese okwu
Uyo m, mamara m mma, nwaanyi ri mma
Nne m, ife nke a asogbue m oh
Adaure, nnwa di mma
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Ojiugo, uso nnwa
Uso m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Loolo 1, nnukwu nwaanyi
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Onwa na-etili ora, my sunshine oh

Nne m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Ngala nnwa, eh eeyi, lechaba, Chi nyelu gi eh
Ibobo nnwa, ewei, lechaba na Chi nyelu gi eh
Nnwa na i nwelu ya, ya ka i na-eme (Meekwa na Chi nyelu gi eh)
Kpudebe m nso nu, susue m onu, iyee
Ife nkili, kedu ncha i ji asa aru?
Ife nkili eh, gwanu m ncha i ji asa aru
Uyo m, mamara m mma, nwaanyi ri mma
Nne m, ife nke a asogbue m ee
Adaure, nnwa di mma
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi

Ojiugo, uso nnwa
Uso m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Odibeeze, ife nkili oh
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
She dress comot oh, men agbaghalịba
Asa m, lechaba na oo Chi nyelu gi
Lechaba oo, lechaba oo, lechaba na Chi nyelu gi eh eh
Daada lechaba oo, lechaba oo, lechaba na Chi nyelu gi eh eh
Daada lechaba oo, lechaba oo, asa m lechaba na Chi nyelu gi

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Meaning of Show Off Lyrics by Flavour

Many users have been searching for Show Off Lyrics by Flavour because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2023-12-29 09:35:39.

The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.


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