Korede Bello Lyrics

Read the lyrics of the song My Bed by Korede Bello and sing along to the catchy melody.

Korede Bello – My Bed Lyrics

When I don’t feel like going anywhere
Nobody hold me down like you
When I don’t feel like seeing anybody
Nobody got my back like you
No no

No no no nobody loves me like my bed
No no no nobody understands me
No no no no other feeling can compare
To when I lay on my bed
When I lay on my bed

I think I’m in love with my bed
I think I’m in love with my bed
I just wanna go home to my bed
I just wanna go home to my bed

I’ll be
Running running
Just to get back home
Back to you
Running running
Through my mind all day
Coming through
Life is not a bed of roses but it feels better
When I lay on my bed
When I lay on my bed (when I lay on my bed)
I think I’m in love with my bed
I think I’m in love with my bed

La la la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la la
Ta da da
Ta da da
Ta da

‘Cause baby
Nobody knows me like you know me
I rest my head and you don’t judge me
You always there to show me love

You got my back and o de daami
When nights get cold and days get ugly
You always there to show me love

Collaborators on the Lyrics of ‘On My Way’

Idris Adeleye, Buzi Brown, Oluwafemi Adebanjo, Tobiloba Akinsete.

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Meaning of My Bed Lyrics by Korede Bello

Many users have been searching for My Bed Lyrics by Korede Bello because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2024-03-31 09:13:56.

The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.


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