Teni Lyrics

The eighth track on Teni’s Tears Of The Sun album, is titled Banga, immerse yourself in the captivating lyrics and melodic charm that define Banga as a standout piece in Teni’s album.

Tears Of The Sun Lyrics

Teni – Banga Lyrics


I don dey think since morning
‘Cause I never hear from my baby (Baby)
I can’t lie, I have been overthinking
I don dey think maybe you dey with another baby
I don’t kno-o-o-ow

Is it love? Is it love?
I don’t know, tell me, what do you want?
Is it lo-o-o-ove? Is it lo-o-ove?
Is it love? Is it love?
I don’t know, what do you want?
Is it lo-o-o-ove? Is it lo-o-ove?

Banga soup
E dey Warri
Pepper rest o
E dey body
Ogbono draw you to me
Ogbono draw you to me o
Banga soup
E dey Warri
Pepper rest o
E dey body
Ogbono draw you to me
Ogbono draw you

E dey ring
I dey call my babyto
Where you dey?
Shey na home or Jalingo?
No dey play
No dey play like Papilo
When I go see you?
Shey na today or tomorrow?
I no go let another baby
I no go let another baby take my baby away
I no go let another shima
I no go let another kele take my baby away

Is it love? Is it love?
I don’t know, tell me, what do you want?
Is it lo-o-o-ove? Is it lo-o-ove?
Is it love? Is it love?
I don’t know, what do you want?
Is it lo-o-o-ove? Is it lo-o-ove?

Banga soup
E dey Warri
Pepper rest o
E dey body
Ogbono draw you to me
Ogbono draw you to me o
Banga soup
E dey Warri
Pepper rest o
E dey body
Ogbono draw you to me
Ogbono draw you
E dey ring
I dey call my baby

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Meaning of Banga Lyrics by Teni

Many users have been searching for Banga Lyrics by Teni because the music has a meaningful lyrics and it worth knowing all the details. The music was released on 2023-11-23 10:00:00.

The lyrics allows you to understand the music very well and to also know how to sing the song. Read the lyrics alongside with the music for better understanding.


This is the end of Banga Lyrics by Teni. If you discover any mistake in the song lyrics, please send the correct lyrics by using the Contact Us form.

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